Claire Morgan
Joe's Soapbox
September 2024
Public transport continues to cause issues for our members.
The AWPF National Council take this very seriously.
This is one of the campaigns sub-group priorities.
Members first told us at the National Council meeting in June 2021 about worries they had with renewing their bus passes
We have been fighting this since.
Transport for Wales spoke at the National Council about this.
And we have shared our members’ stories and experiences with the Welsh government and transport for Wales.
The problem continues.
Although many members have been successful in getting their bus passes on appeal, some people still struggle to get them.
Other members have struggled with public transport because their bus services have been cut without them being told.
And because of a lack of information to let them know what is happening.
Many of our members rely on public transport.
Without decent public transport many people with learning disabilities will struggle to access their communities.
And could be left isolated and vulnerable.
I will be attending a Transport Policy roundtable for Wales meeting on the 17th September.
This meeting will look at the transport situation in Wales.
It will be chaired by Baroness Tani Grey-Thompson.
Members of Parliament and Peers will be in attendance.
I will do all I can to represent your views and your concerns.
The Inquiry will make recommendations to the UK Government and Devolved Governments (such as the Welsh Government).
It seems this is going to be a long journey.
Public transport has been an issue across the United Kingdom for some time.
We will keep going and we will keep you updated.
Victory for Self-Advocacy!