Claire Morgan
Member Stories
It’s been a busy couple of months. In September I found out I was a finalist in the Chwarae Teg…
Claire Morgan
Member Stories
I’ve been busy since we last had a catch up. I’ve chosen my wedding dress and hairstyle, and the bridesmaids…
Kelly Stuart
“When you’re looking at a sea change, as we were in creating the National Director’s job back in 2011, with…
Claire Morgan
Joe's Soapbox
On the 9th of October I will have been in post as the National Director/ Chief Executive of All Wales…
Claire Morgan
Member Stories
I’m having a lazy morning this morning! I’ve been busy with the House of Deviant (drag group) recently. We had…
Claire Morgan
Joe's Soapbox
These are difficult times. Especially for our members and other people with disabilities. This is because there is a cost…