Claire Morgan
Member Stories
It’s been a busy couple of months. In September I found out I was a finalist in the Chwarae Teg Womenspire Awards. I wasn’t expecting to win, but I did! I was up against four others in the Community Connectors category for all my work within the learning disability community.
It was an amazing evening in Cardiff, lovely canapes and drinks and so good to meet the other finalists. I was absolutely gobsmacked to win. The picture on the website is of me receiving my award from Wayne Crocker, Director of Mencap.
I had a fab new dress for the event, and I left it behind at the hotel when I left – luckily they forwarded it on to me a week or so later.
I’ve been on holiday too – a week in a caravan in north Wales with my neighbour. It was great – lots of swimming, sightseeing and trips around north Wales. I met up with a friend I know from Gig Buddies too for a session at bingo and had a good sing on the karaoke at the Irish Bar.
I’ve reduced my work hours to 2 days now so that I can fit everything else into my life! This gives me chance to do all the voluntary work that I take part in with All Wales People First and Pembrokeshire People First. I’ve still been having the chest pains and we’re pretty sure they’re linked to anxiety and stress now. I must start to use the apps on my phone to try to reduce my stress levels and reducing my work hours will help too I’m sure.
Pembrokeshire People First is training south Pembrokeshire GPs to be GP champions for the learning disability community – I’ll be doing that training next week. I’m also co-chairing Improvement Cymru’s Restrictive Practices Event next week.
Pembrokeshire People First’s Campaigns Group met our local MP at Pembrokeshire People First today; we talked to him about the cost of living and about health and social care. We’re going to try to get hold of our local Member of the Senedd next.