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Diary update, Paul: September 2024

author icon author icon 11/09/2024 author icon Member StoriesNews

I’m in London staying with family at the moment.

The academic year is starting up again and I had an online meeting with Bangor university last week to prepare for the new year.  This year I’ll be working with up to 100 student nurses – including 5 dedicated learning disability nurses.  I share my experience of learning disability and autism with them.  I also explain to them what it was like being in hospital as a child.  It helps them to know how to support people with learning disabilities. 

I’m proud to be a responsible adult, as an honorary lecturer and a volunteer.  I understand about things like professional boundaries and not to contact students on social media etc.  I am working with different lecturers in December and will be working with Ruth again next year.  Ruth and I delivered a workshop at AdFest in June this year – I really enjoyed it.

I’m still volunteering at the shop – I really enjoy meeting people, making new friends and I enjoy all of the jobs I do there – sorting the clothes, cleaning etc.  I don’t use the steam cleaner though!

I’ve got a Gig Buddy now.  His name is Hedydd.  We’ve had an introductory meeting and we’re going to have another one to plan what we’re going to do.  I think we both fancy going to music gigs and to watch films.

Gardening Club has been busy through the summer – we’ve grown fruit and I’ve been weeding and planting. We’re getting ready to plant some bulbs now.  We plant them now, but we won’t see them until next year in the Spring.

I go to my local self advocacy group meetings when I can.  Gwynedd Tea at Three meets online but sometimes I’m in work and I have to miss the meetings. 

So, it’s nice to be out of north Wales for a while and I’m looking forward to this holiday in London. I’ve seen a lot of the sights already over the years and I ran the mile down The Mall to Buckingham Palace a few years ago. 

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