Claire Morgan
I’ve just come back from Anheddau where we had a life skills session. It’s life skills on Tuesdays and on Wednesdays we do art and singing.
Today’s life skills session was about how to use the bus. I don’t use the bus on my own at all , but once I’ve had all the training, I might feel a bit more confident. I live in a city, so the buses are quite good. At the moment, my mum goes with me to different places. Neither of us drives so we do a lot of walking in the city.
I also go to my local self advocacy group Gwynedd Tea at Three. We had speakers from the Dolfeurig self advocacy group earlier in January.
Being a member of a self advocacy group helps me to speak up for myself.
I will be lecturing again next week to the nursing students. This term I will be talking about my mental health and how there was a time when I had poor mental health and heard voices.
What helped me to get better was listening to music and going for walks. I also had a Community Nurse who came to see me at home and she really helped me. I think this will help the student nurses to understand more about people with learning disabilities who also have poor mental health.
My Gig Buddy Hedydd and I have been to lots of different things – pubs, the cinema, gigs etc. We’re going to listen to a Welsh music band next week – it’s good to get out socially in the evenings.
Gardening Club is still going on but not so much on the wetter days. We’re just tidying up at the moment and getting ready for spring.
We’ll be going to see Grandad in London again soon – I go down to London a lot.