Claire Morgan
Good news! There’s a new man in my life – Jac, from north Wales. He’s another AWPF member. We met through the Insight app; we haven’t met up in person yet but I’m looking forward to that.
The House of Deviant drag group won an award recently – ‘Inclusive Social Enterprise of the Year’ – isn’t that great? Gareth is applying for funding for next year now.
I caught up with some of my AWPF friends over the past couple of months. I met Sophie and Victoria in Cardiff, and I’ll be seeing Sophie and a few others in Cardiff again next week. Mum drops me into Cardiff, or I get a lift from support staff. It’s great to be able to do these things and it builds my confidence.
I’m looking forward to AdFest again this year and might even travel up on the train with some of the others. I did a presentation for Innovate Trust about cerebral palsy a while ago and I’m going to ask AWPF if I can present it at AdFest. It’s always good to be with everyone at AdFest
I’ve been working with St John Ambulance to train up support staff and managers at Innovate Trust around how to support people with learning disabilities in a first aid situation.
We’re making sure that people understand what those of us with a learning disability need in an emergency. I am a qualified first aider.
I’m still working and still volunteering too.
I’m going to be volunteering (presenting) with GTFM, the local radio station for the Rhondda soon too. More info next time we chat!
News Flash! I’ve just heard that the support I will need to live in the new flat has been sorted out. There was some concern that I wouldn’t be able to move into the flat and live more independently, but that’s been sorted now and the flats are due for completion in May 2025. I’m very excited and very pleased that it’s been sorted out.