Kelly Stuart
Member StoriesNews
Sophie’s Story
Covid 19 – Life in Lockdown
April 2020
I’ve just finished a virtual Tea and Toast session with Pembrokeshire People First. I showered and got dressed early to take part, and I’m feeling pretty good.
I have a really busy schedule today. I’m keeping busy and staying connected through video catch up’s with friends and family and with the People First’s virtual event timetable. I’m joining a Gig Buddies virtual tea party at 2pm, and I’m hoping to find time later on to do some baking.
I live on my own independently. I don’t have support workers coming in, but I feel well supported by friends and family if I have a problem or need to talk anything through with anyone.
I’m in a fairly new relationship. We’ve been together for 6 months, so locking down together wasn’t something we talked about. We chat on video messenger quite a lot, but it’s not the same as seeing each other. We’d normally see each other 3 to 4 times a week so that’s a big change to our routine.
The weather has helped to lift my mood. I’ve been going in to the garden to make the best of the situation we’re in with lockdown. I live on a main road, so when the weather’s a bit rubbish I can sit in the window and people watch. It’s quite relaxing watching cars drive past and people go by on their walks.