Claire Morgan
Member StoriesNews
5th August
After my trip to Worthing, I’m back to west Wales and working hard. My trip was great, the weather was good and – although I was quite nervous about the journey – the railway staff were really friendly and helpful when I had to ask for help. I missed a connection on the way home and had to wait in Cardiff for an hour.
I had gone to meet someone I’d met virtually through the Stay Up Late Ambassadors – it went really well. We even went on the big wheel and the views over to Brighton and out to sea were amazing.
Work is really busy – I’ve been doing double shifts and I’m tired and my feet ache at the end of the working day. We’ve been so busy – we’ve been participating in the government scheme to encourage people to eat out and we’ve had to reduce it to just evenings as it’s been so busy. Some customers have complained, so that’s been a bit difficult at times. On the whole though I’m really enjoying being back at work.
I’ve had a few appointments this week – eye test etc and had to cover a colleague’s shift as they covered me when I was away.
I managed to catch the end of the Gig Buddies Festival last Saturday so I was pleased about that.
19th August
There’s not much to report today. I’m shattered after a late night in work last night. We didn’t finish until 12.45 am and by the time I got home, had a shower and something to eat it was 3.00 am before I got to bed. I did the Pembrokeshire People First bingo session at lunchtime today as well.
I’ve stopped doing the double shifts in work now and am back to working mainly evening shifts. That can be from 4,00pm until the restaurant closes.
My feet still really ache and the GP has referred me for physiotherapy.
I went to see my boyfriend last week – I met him at Tesco’s café but the journey was a bit of a disaster. I didn’t realise that the bus service has been drastically reduced from Narberth to Carmarthen – it only runs Wednesdays and Fridays so I had to get a taxi to the railway station and then get the train to Carmarthen. I caught up with the family earlier this week too as it was my brother’s birthday.
I’m going to try and have a nap now, before my GP telephone consultation this afternoon.
26th August
I’ve been doing a bit of armchair yoga this morning after a couple of Zoom meetings.
I went to see the physio last Friday and it turns out I needed to get better fitting shoes as I’d been buying the wrong size
I’ve bought some new trainers, so I hope they will help to reduce the pain in my feet. I had hoped not to be doing any more double shifts for a while, but I think I’m covering someone’s holiday shifts. I’m working all this week and over the bank holiday weekend (except for Friday). I’m going to miss Gig Buddies’ Kazoom party for Pride tomorrow night, which is disappointing.
Talking of holidays, my boyfriend and I are going to North Wales in October for a week – it’s been a hard summer and I’m really looking forward to it and to exploring a bit more of North Wales