Kelly Stuart
Member StoriesNews
28th August 2020
I’m not at my house today, I’m at my fiancé’s. It’s nice to be seeing each other again. I’m allowed to do the bubble thing now.
For the last two weeks after I came back from Porthcawl I was forced by my supported living provider to self-isolate. Me and my housemate hat to keep away from each other. It was awful. I felt like a prisoner in my own home. I felt like I didn’t have the same choice as a person without a learning disability.
I spoke with the British Institute of Human Rights, who helped me to understand my rights under the Human Rights Act. I spoke with All Wales people First too, and they helped me by writing to my supported living provider. I’m so grateful for the help I received to question and challenge the forced isolation.
We’re off to Butlins for the weekend, so looking forward to a nice break. I can be in a bubble with my fiancé’s family which is good. There are a lot of us going. I know I’ve got to keep my distance from people we don’t know though.
I’ll take some selfies while I’m away. Speak soon, bye for now!