Claire Morgan
Member StoriesNews
Christmas was fine – lots of presents! It was Princess the dog’s first Christmas and she had a new lead.
I enjoyed the Gig Buddies Christmas show and I joined the Innovate Trust’s New Year’s Eve party which went on until 4.00 am. I met some famous drag queens too – Gina Grigio and Gypsy Divine. I really enjoy drag – I had some more makeup for Christmas. It takes a couple of hours to get all the make up on but it’s nice to become someone else for a little while.
Mum’s birthday fell between Christmas and New Year so we had a Chinese takeout. I’ve broken up with my boyfriend Alex, but I’m not feeling too upset about it.
I’m still working even though we’re in another lockdown – it’s happening via Zoom at the moment. I’m doing my new jigsaw puzzles to keep busy and also taking part in the Covid study which is looking at the effect of coronavirus on people with learning disabilities. I wish more people would join in the research.