Claire Morgan
Member StoriesNews
8th July 2020
I’m really excited to have been picked to take part in a research panel called Over the Mountain. I just heard today that I’d been chosen. I applied a while ago and it’s given me a real boost. You get paid too!
This week has been a bit better; I’ve been babysitting my nephew, and my mum and I went out for a drive at the weekend.
Nan came to visit yesterday and Dad popped in this morning.
The quiz I was preparing for last week went really well.
I’m still adding to my comfort box and I’ve used it quite a bit over the last week.
22nd July 2020
I’m feeling great at the moment – much happier. I think it’s because I’ve had a lot of positive feedback from people lately and I’ve been really busy. I’m also only 2 lbs away from losing a whole stone in weight so I’m chuffed.
We went to Tenby last weekend to open up the caravan. Tenby itself was too busy so we didn’t go into the town. We go to the caravan whenever we can and we’re hoping to get a week down there soon.
Mum’s taking me out every other week for a few hours – I can choose where I want to go. It’s helping me to get used to going back to normal.
I’m also instigating a ‘Self Care Sunday’ each week where I look after myself and do things that will help me beat a bad mood. I’ve been writing a list of things that will help – such as doing a face mask, reducing screen time and doing some colouring – things like that. I’ve ordered face masks, colouring books and foot masks!
It’s Caerphilly People First’s management meeting next week – we’ll be looking at how to staff the office when it re-opens. I’ll feel much happier when I’m back in work at the office. We’re having a virtual Comedy Night this week – jokes, disco and dressing up.
My stepdad is off work this week so I get to spend some time with him and I’m going for a walk with my sister, my nephew and the dogs tomorrow.
29th July 2020
I’m feeling on top of the world! It’s been a busy week – I’m helping to organise a virtual event with the Welsh Ambulance Service for People First members, and it was our Caerphilly People First management meeting earlier this week – we’ve been looking at ways to re-open safely. We haven’t set a date yet because we’re waiting for our grant funding towards our cleaning equipment. People are worrying about a second wave of coronavirus so we need to be careful.
I’m going out for a meal with my friend next week. Mum is going to be taking me for days out – I think we’ll go to Cwmbran shopping next week or the week after. I hope to shift these last two pounds of weight so I can say I’ve lost a stone – I’m being really careful with what I eat this week.