Claire Morgan
Member StoriesNews
It’s raining for the first time in ages and I’ve just been to Pontypridd Lido for a swim with RCT People First. The water was warm and it was raining on us!
I had a massively busy weekend earlier in June. It started with going to see Welsh Wrestling in Blackwood. Then I joined House of Deviant to march at Cardiff Pride festival. I met Mark Drakeford the First Minister and told him about the drag project. He was really interested and proud. Wales Online talked to me about being a drag queen and put a photo of me up online.
If you scroll down on this link here you’ll see a picture of me on the BBC website too – look for Flossie Sunshine with the blue hair!
After Pride, it was AdFest – AWPF’s annual self-advocacy festival. It was really good. We went out in the evening to the pub and onto the Moon Club with Gig Buddies and some of us went to a gay bar too. I did fall over at one point – Jager Bombs might have been involved there!
After AdFest it was straight to rehearsals with the House of Deviant again – we’ve got two shows coming up in July – at the Wales Millennium Centre on the 8th July and in Newport’s Riverfront theatre on the 15th. I went to Pride Caerphilly after AdFest too and saw Tina Sparkles the drag queen.
I’m taking part in the Eisteddfod this year – I’m part of Fabinogion – a project about Welsh stories in drag. I’ve been using Duolingo to help me with my Welsh. We’re going up to north Wales for two nights. Then in September, we’re taking it to the Pontio theatre in Bangor.