Claire Morgan
Member Stories
Transport has been a bit of a pain this week. I was waiting for the bus to get to drama group, but it turned up full! Now and again they have the small white bus doing our route and it’s much smaller than the full size service buses. It’s always full and there’s no way of telling which one will turn up. Thankfully a friend passed and gave us a lift. If there’s a problem with public transport then it means I have to rely on my Mum for lifts and I don’t like doing that, it’s not fair.
I’m really excited this week. I’m going on a trip to Holland with the Dragons group soon. My suitcase is packed already. We’re flying on the weekend and staying for 8 days. We’ve only got three performances to do so there’ll be lots of time to enjoy doing other things and relaxing. We’ve got a trip to a cheese factory planned. I’ll do an update when I come back!