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Position Statement on the UN’s Periodic Review of the UK Government’s Human Rights Record

UN Periodic Review of the UK GovernmentPSStatement

Position Statement on Homes not Hospitals 2024

Position Statement on Homes not Hospitals 2024

Position Statement on Mental Health and LD In Patient Services

Position Statement on Mental Health and LD In Patient Services

Position Statement on Language, December 2023

Position Statement on Language

Position Statement on Day Centres, December 2023

Position Statement on Day Centres

Position Statement on having the choice to use cash

Position Statement on having the choice to use cash

Position Statement on Restraint

Position Statement on Restraint

Position Statement on Easy Read

Position Statement on Easy Read

Position Statement on Cost of Living

Position Statement on Cost of Living

Position Statement: Coronavirus Support and care needs

Coronavirus Support and care needs

Position Statement: Do Not Attempt Resuscitation

Position Statement: Do Not Attempt Resuscitation

Position Statement on Coronavirus

Position Statement on Coronavirus

Position Statement on Employment

Position Statement on Employment

Position Statement on Education

Position Statement on Education

Position Statement – Treated as Equals

Position Statement - Treated as Equals

Position Statement on Sexual Relationships

Position Statement on Sexual Relationships

Position Statement on Transport

Position Statement on Transport