Claire Morgan
Member StoriesNews
Last time I did my diary update we were waiting for our new puppy. Princess has arrived and she’s gorgeous. She can’t go out for walks yet though. She doesn’t get on very well with the cat either!
I’ve lost 31 lbs on my diet; I haven’t seen my boyfriend yet, he doesn’t live in the same village as me. We chat on facetime every day though.
I’ve really enjoyed the Gig Buddies Kazoom parties I’ve attended and I’ve joined Electric Umbrella group too.
I’ve been out and about quite a lot recently. I’ve been shopping (and I wore a mask which felt ok). I also went to the Mountain View Ranch with my support worker and to Barry Island to go on the rides and have an ice cream. I’m going to Barry Island again at the weekend.
It’s such a shame that we have to hold AWPF’s conference virtually this year; we always have such fun when we get together. Last time we went up by train for it and we met someone from the TV programme ‘The Undateables’ – they were really nice.