Kelly Stuart
Member StoriesNews
17th June
I have another meeting soon so will be a quick update today.
I’ve given up drinking alcohol. I was probably drinking a bit too much with everything that’s gone on during lockdown. Between not seeing my fiancé, my housemate passing away and my dad suddenly passing away, it’s been tough.
It’s been 3 weeks yesterday since my father passed. I’m going to go to his funeral.
I’ve been struggling a lot with it all to be honest. Having support from housemates, family and friends, and Dawn from Cwm Taf People First has helped to keep me going. Everyone’s been so kind with their support and bringing me some lovely flowers.
I’m still up and down though.
26th June
I My fiancé’s dog has had puppies. He’s sent me some pictures. They’re so cute!
This lockdown must be doing everyone’s heads in by now. I hope Welsh Government introduce support bubbles this week. It’s not the same seeing Ben at social distance.
Tuesday went well, my Dad had a good send off. Ben was a huge support to me. He stayed with me until 7pm. There were 15 people at the funeral.
I’m feeling ok today. Going for a walk in a bit.
I’ve joined Gig Buddies Kazoom on Fridays. My friend is a Staying up Late Ambassador and I quite fancy getting involved with that.