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Joe’s Soapbox: Mental Capacity Act

author icon author icon 22/09/2021 author icon Joe's Soapbox

Mental Health/ Mental Capacity Act Consultation.

I recently met with officials from Welsh Government.

They are looking at how changes to the Mental Capacity Act would impact on people living in Wales.

The reason they are looking into the Mental Capacity Act is because the UK Government want to change a thing called LPA’s.

LPA means Lasting Power of Attorney.

Lasting Power of Attorney helps a person to decide who can make important decisions for them when they are in care or in hospital.

This is sometimes people with learning disabilities or people with mental health difficulties.

LPA was introduced in 2007.

They want to update LPA because they realise that many people now want to access services online.

In order to update the LPA’s, they need to update the Mental Capacity Act too.

This will also include a thing called DOLs.

This stands for Deprivation of Liberty.

DOLS are rules that are meant to make sure that people don’t have their freedom or human rights taken from them.

Some of you will remember during Covid 19, some of our members were asked to stay indoors when they didn’t need to.

Some care service providers didn’t follow the Welsh Government guidance properly.

This is an example of a deprivation of liberty.

DOLS are especially important when people are restrained.

Sometimes people need to be restrained if they become distressed.

This is in case they harm themselves or someone else.

But it is important that people are restrained safely.

And are only restrained as much as they need to be.

DOLS helps to make sure this happens lawfully.

But things still sometimes go wrong.

Some of you may remember Seni’s Law from our 2021 Manifesto.

Seni Lewis was a man from London who was restrained, and he died.

Seni’s death helped to create a Seni’s Law in England.

Seni’s Law is there to stop other deaths caused by restraint not being done safely.

All Wales People First pledged to support a Seni’s Law in Wales.

We want to use this consultation to help to push Seni’s Law in Wales.

Officials from Welsh Government are going to come to speak to the National Council about the consultation on the 5th of October.

They want to tell the National Council about this work.

And ask their opinions.

All Wales People First will put the members feedback into a consultation response.

A consultation is when you tell the Government what you think about something they suggest.

What you like about it.

What you don’t like about it.

And what else you think should happen.

We want to make sure that your voice and the voice of all people with learning disabilities are heard.

This is an important opportunity to make a big difference.

Please tell us if you have something you want us to put in the consultation response.

You can contact Kelly Stuart at

If you want to respond yourself or with others you can respond online.

Here is the Easy Read link.

The consultation closes on the 13th of October.


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