Claire Morgan
Member Stories
It’s a while since we chatted. The Learning Disability Wales conference went well and I was blown away to be asked to Chair it. It was live streamed so the pressure was on but I had lots of support from my colleagues.
Christmas was great – I went to family and there were over 11 of us around the dinner table. It was a year since my granddad had died on Christmas Day so that was a bit sad too. I had my birthday between Christmas and New Year so there were lots of things to celebrate.
The highlight of last year had to be the mini social in south Wales for Gig Buddies where I met people I hadn’t met in person before. I had two nights in Cardiff – lush!
I haven’t made any new year resolutions though I am determined to get to Cardiff for AdFest this year. I feel more confident these days, now that I am a self advocate and can take responsibility for my actions.
Talking of self advocacy I was asked to take part in the research stories that AWPF has been collecting around what has been the ‘most significant change’ in my life since I became a self advocate. That was very interesting.
I’ve picked up some more social media volunteering. I share the social media work for the North Wales Flyers now, and also do the social media for Roaring Mon, my local self advocacy group (a colleague does the Welsh side of it). This is as well as my Gig Buddies volunteering – I like to be busy!
I am also one of the Peer Led Team with Innovate Trust. We make sure that people doing the online activities are ok and feel safe. I’ve helped AWPF with a couple of videos for TikTok too. I did one about being a self advocate and Gerraint interviewed me about the Nightclub.
When I moved into this flat I already had a couple of budgies and some fish. The housing provider allowed me to keep them all because they helped with my anxiety and depression. Sadly the budgies have died and I’m thinking of getting more. They are such good company and I used to let them fly around. They’d always go back in their cage when I told them to.
I’m meeting a friend for coffee later on in Llandudno – where else?! I love that place. I think I might have such a close relationship with it because my parents were in Llandudno when they found out they were expecting me. My dad also did his plumbing qualifications there.
I don’t always sleep so well; sometimes it’s because I’ve had a busy day and my mind is buzzing or I’m thinking about the following day. (Sometimes it’s because I’m playing on the X Box though ☺