Claire Morgan
Member StoriesNews
It’s just me today. Not seeing Katy until Thursday as we’re both busy.
We spent 10 days together in London for the Dragon’s group trip, but don’t worry we’re not fed up of each other yet!
We did loads in London. It was a fab trip and lots of groups from all over the world came together to perform. I met new people and made new friends from England, Scotland, New Zealand and Australia.
We did lots of rehearsing sightseeing and performing.
We went on the London Eye and on a Boat tour at the start of the trip. Katie and me bought some matching tie dye pyjamas too. Love them! I’ve got the shorts on today!
It was tiring on the days when we rehearsed all day and then performed in the evening. We did our ‘Black Kisses and ‘T4’ performances. They are fabulous pieces. Really emotional.
On the last day we gave some Welsh flags as parting gifts and there were a few tears.
We all had an amazing time but I couldn’t wait to see my family and pets so it was quite emotional on the bus journey home.
It took me a while to feel like myself again after being away for so long.
I’m seeing my fiancé tomorrow and we’re going to book our wedding venue on Saturday. That’s for our next update though. Very exciting times ahead.
Bye for now!