Claire Morgan
Well here it is another diary update, it’s definitely been a while since I have done my member update. I am a super busy woman!
I’m in RCT People First’s offices this morning. I volunteer with them at events, presentations and I help out with technical stuff too. I came in this morning to do some admin and for my supervision session with Dawn.
I have been super busy with doing lots of meetings for work and for Drive Wales. Drive asked me to chair some of their meetings and I can use this experience to help me as part of my role as co Chair of the Regional Partnership Board Steering Group.
I chaired Drive’s Merthyr Matters / Talks group which is held in the Orbit Centre Merthyr Tydfil. This group is for people who use Drive services and they get together to talk about what they’d like to see from Drive.
I live in Drive supported accommodation and I’m an ambassador for our complex. This means I take any concerns from residents to the management committee and act as the go-between.
It’s also coming up to 2 years since I started my role of chair of the Steering Group of The Regional Partnership Board, can’t believe I have been working in my role for that long; it’s definitely something I will be celebrating that’s for sure as it’s such an achievement. These meetings are held quarterly and lots of important people attend. I’ve developed so much and I’m not nearly as nervous as I used to be.
I am still living independently, and we just celebrated this past weekend being officially open and living there 4 years which we were all super stoked about and still loving it too!
I am now letting myself accept any staff support or help which I always find hard to ask for even though that’s what they are there for. But it’s a hurdle which I am starting to not only get over, but I am achieving it and super proud of myself. By help I mean physical help really, around household chores. I always felt like I should just do it myself, but I know that I need some help sometimes.
Another big thing that I have done is have all my hair cut off to a short pixie cut, it’s definitely taking some time to get used to especially where I have got little hair but it’s much easier and I feel like a completely different person.
I’m still seeing my boyfriend – he lives about half an hour away. He generally comes to my place at weekends by public transport (or he gets a lift!). I don’t use public transport myself.