Kelly Stuart 16/03/2020 News
All Wales People First Position statement
16th March 2020
There is a lot in the news about an illness called Coronavirus right now. Sometimes people call Coronavirus another name COVID-19
All Wales People First is keen to help the staff team, volunteers and members to be as safe as possible while the Coronavirus illness is about.
We are following the rules the Government says we must follow to keep safe.
We will post helpful information on Facebook and on our website about steps you can take to keep safe while the Coronavirus is about.
When the rules about staying safe change, we will help members to understand what this means for them.
When the Government changes the rules about keeping safe, we will post information on social media and on our website.
The All Wales People First staff team will not be attending any face to face meetings until the working week ending 3rd April.
From Friday the 3rd of April the Chief Executive will decide every Friday after that, whether the staff team can start to attend face to face meetings.
The All Wales People First staff team will still be working their normal hours from home, even though they will not be out and about attending meetings.
We will keep in touch with one another through telephone meetings, facetime and skype meetings.
The All Wales People First staff team are available as usual on the phone or email for any members who want to ask a question.
If we have to cancel meetings, we will let people know by phone or email as soon as possible.
We will put a weekly update bulletin on our website about any member or project meetings we need to cancel.
We will email our weekly update bulletin to member groups. Joe Powell, Chief Executive, All Wales People First