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Diary update: Nicole, June 2023

author icon author icon 30/06/2023 author icon Member StoriesNews

It’s raining for the first time in ages and I’ve just been to Pontypridd Lido for a swim with RCT…

Diary update, Victoria: June 2023

author icon author icon 30/06/2023 author icon Member Stories

Well, Coldplay were brilliant! I had a great time – it was my first time at a proper stadium gig….

Diary update Kelsey, May 2023

author icon author icon 24/05/2023 author icon Member Stories

Transport has been a bit of a pain this week. I was waiting for the bus to get to drama…

Diary update, Kelsey, April 2023

author icon author icon 24/05/2023 author icon Member Stories

It seems like all I’ve done so far this week is cry! It’s been a rubbish week and I’m hoping…

Diary update, Tracy: May 2023

author icon author icon 24/05/2023 author icon Member StoriesNews

Hi, I’m Tracy and I’m the Chair of AWPF’s National Council as well as being the National Council representative for…

Diary update, Nicole, May 2023

author icon author icon 22/05/2023 author icon Member Stories

The last time we chatted, I was getting ready to go to Ernie Sparkles’ 40th birthday party – that was…

Diary update: Victoria, May 2023

author icon author icon 17/05/2023 author icon Member Stories

This is my first diary update for AWPF.  I’ve lived on Anglesey for five years now and am originally from…

Diary update: Sophie, March 2023

author icon author icon 22/03/2023 author icon Member Stories

I’ve been back and forth to Cardiff three times in the past three weeks and I’ll be back there again…

Diary update: Ffion, March 2023

author icon author icon 13/03/2023 author icon Member Stories

Last time we spoke I was stuck in Vienna; today I’m in work and these days I’m in work every…

Diary update: Nicole, March 2023

author icon author icon 09/03/2023 author icon Member Stories

It’s snowing here! I have a support worker most days, but we’ve cancelled her today because of the weather. It’s…

Kelsey’s diary update: February 2023

author icon author icon 06/02/2023 author icon Member StoriesNews

2nd February 2023 Hi all. No Katy today. Just me ha ha! I’ve been really busy with drama and dance…

Diary update, Kelsey and Katy January 2023

author icon author icon 12/01/2023 author icon Member Stories

Hello. Happy New Year! Me and Katy are spending some time together today so it’s a joint update this time….

Diary update, Ffion: December 2022

author icon author icon 12/12/2022 author icon Member Stories

I’m stuck in Vienna!  A big family group of us came away last week to visit the Christmas markets and…

Diary update, Sophie: October 2022

author icon author icon 21/10/2022 author icon Member Stories

It’s been a busy couple of months.  In September I found out I was a finalist in the Chwarae Teg…

Diary update, Kelsey: September 2022

author icon author icon 21/10/2022 author icon Member Stories

I’ve been busy since we last had a catch up. I’ve chosen my wedding dress and hairstyle, and the bridesmaids…

Diary update, Nicole: October 2022

author icon author icon 07/10/2022 author icon Member Stories

I’m having a lazy morning this morning!  I’ve been busy with the House of Deviant (drag group) recently.  We had…

Diary update, Kelsey: September 2022

author icon author icon 09/09/2022 author icon Member Stories

I’m away on hols next Friday. Katy and me are staying in a caravan with a few other friends. The…

Diary update, Ffion: August 2022

author icon author icon 17/08/2022 author icon Member StoriesNews

I’m really enjoying working for Caerphilly People First two days per week. I don’t ever want another job anywhere else!…

Diary update, Nicole: August 2022

author icon author icon 12/08/2022 author icon Member StoriesNews

I’m feeling great!  I’ve been working hard with the House of Deviant drag troupe – we have a couple of…

Diary update: Kelsey, July 2022

author icon author icon 27/07/2022 author icon Member StoriesNews

It’s just me today. Not seeing Katy until Thursday as we’re both busy. We spent 10 days together in London…