Claire Morgan 15/03/2021 Member StoriesNews
I’m feeling much better health-wise after being quite poorly in January, thank goodness and I’ve heard from my work that I might be starting back at Easter, in the hope that the tourism trade will re-open around then. I haven’t heard about a vaccine yet, though some of my friends who are in supported accommodation have had theirs. I should be on the priority list because of my diabetes.
I’ll look forward to that as there hasn’t been anything to do since we’ve been in lockdown from 20th December. I’ve been busy on Zoom and I co-hosted Electric Umbrella’s Music Machine event this week. It was really tough as I had to ‘spotlight’ individual people and classes. They had invited colleges and schools to join the event as well and I’ve never hosted such a large group before. Online meetings can be tough when people talk over each other all the time!
I am still doing the weekly bingo sessions and I was frustrated this week because I tried to use an app to share on Zoom so that participants could see the numbers (sometimes they don’t hear me when I shout them out). I couldn’t get the app to work so I was disappointed. I’ll keep trying.
I did drag with Electric Umbrella TV a couple of weeks ago – Ernie Sparkles and the House of Deviants (some friends of mine) were really good and we had a mini workshop on how to be a drag queen. It’s LGBTQ+ month this month and the Insight App had a meeting this week with two drag queens too. It was good fun.