Claire Morgan
Member Stories
It’s great to do this diary update face to face, Claire and I bumped into each other on the train at Bangor. I’m going to see my friend Daniel in Chester – we meet up regularly for a day out and lunch.
I have a Gig Buddy now and Nicolle and I are going to see Kiri Pritchard McClean soon – having a gig buddy has made a massive difference to me – it’s enabling me to be more sociable and go out more. I used to struggle with friendships, and it always felt like a ‘me and them’ situation because of my ‘so – called difference’. Having a gig buddy means I have more confidence.
Today is International Day of Disabled People and the day we recognise people with disabilities and what they achieve. Yesterday I went to Pontio in Bangor to see the AWPF Through our Eyes On Tour Photography exhibition. I travelled there on the bus – I do a lot of travelling independently. I’m off to Cardiff (my favourite place!) in a couple of weeks for the LDW Christmas party. I’m looking forward to seeing everyone.
Being part of the self-advocacy group Roaring Mon allows me to speak up in a group of like-minded people. I have grown in confidence, and this means I take more decisions for myself and have more control over my life.
Since joining AWPF and Roaring Mon I’ve made more friends, and I’ve recently chaired the LDW Annual Conference (for the second time). Being asked to do this and being able to do it well made me feel positive and I felt like I was trusted.
I need some support with some things such a budgeting, shopping etc but otherwise I am in control of my own life and manage everything myself. I love to be out and about travelling and anyone who knows me knows I’m partial to a coffee shop for a coffee and cake. I quite often work from a coffee shop either in Bangor or Llandudno – I work as the Social Media Content Co-ordinator for LDW’s Gig Buddies project.
I am keen to be in a relationship – my previous long-term relationship was abusive and that’s taught me to be wary and what to look out for in the future. I’d like to be in a relationship with someone who understands me, even if I get in a pickle sometimes and someone who accepts me for who I am.