Communications Officer
Claire supports Kelly to provide AWPF with communications, business and admin support
Joe Powell
Kelly Stuart
Victoria Sidwell-Brown
Tracey Drew
Gerraint Jones-Griffiths
Claire Morgan
Claire Morgan
Jessica Keeble
Jessica Keeble
Gary Angel
Samantha Hall
Samantha Hall
Ffion Poole
Ffion Poole
Simon Richards
Sarah Griffiths
Richard Redmond
Harry Rendell
Raymond Byles
Sarah Griffiths
Richard Redmond
Harry Rendell
Raymond Byles
Bethan Kench
Bethan Kench
Sammy Tahramanis
Sammy Tahramanis
David Sweeting
David Sweeting
Scott Wilson
Scott Wilson
Tracy Austin
Tracy Austin
Simon Richards
Connie Phibben
Connie Phibben
Tom Watling
Tom Watling
Adam Dawkins
Adam Dawkins
Zarah Kaleem
Zarah Kaleem
Lucy Hinksman
Lucy Hinksman
Tom Spencer
Karl Denning
Karl Denning